Friday , April 19 2024

Adoption of ICT in Supporting Ideation Skills in
Conventional Classroom Settings

1 University of Iceland,
v/Stakkahlid, 101, Reykjavik, Iceland
Loughborough University
Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Spiru Haret University,

13 Ion Ghica Street, Bucharest 3, Romania
4 I C I Bucharest
(National Institute for R & D in Informatics)

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011455 Bucharest 1, Romania

Abstract: This article puts forward a case study of four related lessons, using a Virtual Reality Learning Environment (VRLE) to enhance students’ ideation skills in Innovation Education (IE) in a conventional classroom. The following research questions are answered.

  1. How could the VRLE be used with IE material in a conventional classroom?
  2. What pedagogical factors influence the innovation process and where the VRLE is used?

The lesson content is described and the overall aims, objectives and research questions stated. The specific data collection methods are explained. Subsequently, triangulated findings are reported as categories and results are discussed and analysed.

Keywords: Innovation Education, case study lessons, Virtual Reality Learning Environment, Pedagogy, Innovation process, Ideation.

>>Full text
Gisli THORSTEINSSON, Tom PAGE, Andrei NICULESCU, Adoption of ICT in Supporting Ideation Skills in Conventional Classroom Settings, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 19(3), pp. 309-318, 2010.

  1. Introduction

Innovation Education (IE) has become a specific subject area in the Icelandic national curriculum since 1999. The aim is to develop students’ skills to identify needs and problems in their environment and to come up with new solutions. A specific Virtual Reality Learning Environment technology (VRLE) has been prepared to support students work. This VRLE supports online collaboration and helps students to develop drawings and descriptions of solutions (Thorsteinsson et al., 2004).

As the VRLE is relatively new it is important to assess its use and value in supporting students’ ideation in a conventional context. The authors run several lessons to identify pedagogical issues of using the VRLE to support ideation within IE and to identify how it affects the already established pedagogy.

Many researchers consider that VRLE can support education. One of its main values is to favour constructivist-learning and computer cooperate supportive learning. It also has potential to support unlike types of learners (Page et al., 2008). Most research studies have observed whether a VRLE is a successful educational technology (Winn 1993). Other research works have been based on longitudinal case studies that developed virtual worlds for schools. Research studies on using VRLE´s for school education are still few. So far, the authors have not found any regarding supporting ideation in the context of IE.

The article firstly describes the specific VRLE used for the enquiry. Secondly it reflects on the literature. Subsequently, overall aims, objectives and research questions are stated and the data collection methods explained. Finally, findings are discussed and the research questions answered.


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