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The Meaningful Mixed Data TOPSIS (TOPSIS-MMD) Method and its Application in Supplier Selection

Sourour AOUADNI1*, Abdelwaheb REBAI2, Zenonas TURSKIS3
1, 2 Laboratory of Modeling and Optimization for Decisional,

Industrial and Logistic Systems, Faculty of Economics and Management,
Route de l’aéroport, Km 4, B.P. 1088, Sfax 3018, Tunisie
* (* Corresponding author)
3 Research Institute of Smart Building Technologies, Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

ABSTRACT: The TOPSIS method suffers from two major shortcomings (1) the non-meaningfulness of the resulting rankings in mixed data contexts (i.e., the rankings of alternatives may change under admissible transformations of the initial attribute values, in the measurement-theoretic sense of the term), and (2) rank reversals or ranking irregularities(i.e., the rankings of alternatives may change if a new alternative is added to the given offered set of alternatives or an old one is deleted from it or replaced in it). The present research tackles the above shortcomings in order to improve the TOPSIS method by suggesting novel reference points and by extending it to mixed data in a rather defensible manner. Finally, the suggested TOPSIS method (referred to herein as the meaningful mixed data TOPSIS method (TOPSIS-MMD)) is used to solve a mixed data multi-attribute supplier selection problem.

KEYWORDS: Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Intelligent Integrated System, Intelligent Farm.


Sourour AOUADNI*, Abdelwaheb REBAI, Zenonas TURSKIS, The Meaningful Mixed Data TOPSIS (TOPSIS-MMD) Method and its Application in Supplier Selection, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 26(3), pp. 353-364, 2017.