Monday , May 6 2024

The Design of an Agent-Based System for Capital Markets

Marius PETRESCU1*, Mădălina CUC2, Ionica ONCIOIU3, Anca-Gabriela PETRESCU4,
Florentina-Raluca BÎLCAN4, Mihai PETRESCU

1 Romanian Academy of Scientists, 54 Independence Splendor, 030167, Bucharest, Romania (*Corresponding author)
2 Mihai Viteazul National Intelligence Academy, Odaii 20-22, Bucharest, 075100, Romania

3 Titu Maiorescu University, 189 Calea Vacaresti Street, Bucharest, 040051, Romania
4 Valahia University of Targoviste, 2 Carol I Blvd, Targoviste, 130024, Romania;;

Abstract: The trading risk management implies analysing several types of risks: capital, market, liquidity, insolvency, business, credit, operational or financial risk. Trading models and techniques must be seen as tools that can provide an informed manager with useful insights, so they are indispensable in an increasingly integrated and sophisticated market. The main aim of this study is the conceptualization of a generic intelligent agent, based on a neural network and an agent system, applicable to a trading system of the listed companies. The results show that this model can contribute to reducing the transactional risk on the capital market and can offer solutions to improve the managerial decisions.

Keywords: Artificial neural networks, Multi‐agent systems, Transaction databases, Capital markets, Validation.


Marius PETRESCU, Mădălina CUC, Ionica ONCIOIU, Anca-Gabriela PETRESCU, Florentina-Raluca BÎLCAN, Mihai PETRESCU, The Design of an Agent-Based System for Capital Markets, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 29(3), pp. 293-306, 2020.