Monday , April 29 2024

Guidelines for authors

SIC welcomes original contributions on all aspects of research and practice in IT with emphasis on Advanced Automatic Control, Modelling and Optimization. Authors should not submit to SIC a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere. Papers should preferably not exceed 10 standard typewritten pages. Articles in electronic form along with a scanned copyright statement form accompanied by a cover letter signed in original by all the co-authors should be sent to the Editorial Office by e-mail at:

Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts
Please use the following 2024 SAMPLE FILE for SIC to correctly typeset a submission to Studies in Informatics and Control Journal. Papers should be prepared in double column format suitable for direct printing onto A4 paper (210mm x 297mm / 8.3in x 11.7in) paper. If you are creating a document on your own, please observe the margins and other typesetting specifications. Do not number pages on the front, as page numbers will be added separately. All articles must be submitted in Microsoft Office 2016. Mathematical formulas should be processed in MathType. Length of papers should be set between 8-10 pages (A4 format) including references. Photos and illustrations should be labelled sequentially, numbered, and cited in the text. All images, both line drawings and photographs, must be supplied at a minimum of 300 dots per inch (dpi) at the maximum size they can be used, in .PNG format.

We always acknowledge receipt of contributions submitted to us. After a preliminary sorting to eliminate submissions that are unsuitable for publication or beyond the scope of this journal the remaining science-based papers, will enter a review process which typically takes 4-6 weeks from the time we acknowledge the receipt of the manuscript. Following the confirmation to the corresponding author of acceptance for publication of the submitted article (presumably sent as a hard copy), a quick editing and printing work would be possible if agreed to provide a soft copy, on CD or via e-mail, both in Word and PDF format.

Pre-submission enquiries. Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that it is suitable for SIC. If you are unsure as to whether your manuscript lies within the stated aims and scope of this journal, please submit an abstract to the editorial office by e-mail at Our Editorial Board does not formally assess pre-submission enquiries and the invitation to submit does not carry any implications for subsequent acceptance; nor will these papers necessarily be sent for peer review.

It is a condition of publication in SIC that authors grant an exclusive licence to the Journal, which is operated on the Journal’s behalf by the Publisher, by completing a copyright licence form. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. When an article is published, a PDF of the final version is emailed to the corresponding author. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce verbal or visual material from copyright sources.

Once the accepted paper has been published in the journal it is going to be fully and freely available online for an undetermined period of time. All our publishing services are made possible by charging a publication fee also known as article-processing charge (APC) which is subject to change. This publication fee is charged at the applicable rate effective on manuscript submission date. The APC is charged to either the authors or their funding agency/institution, when the manuscript is editorially approved, after the peer-review process and before publication. At present, numerous funding agencies actively support open access publication and permit the employment of grants to cover publication costs. There is no charge for manuscript submission to SIC.

Authors submitting papers to SIC may never use copyrighted material without acknowledgement. To use a reproduced or an adapted figure or table in your manuscript, you must obtain written permission from the copyright owners (usually the original publisher or patent owner) and provide attribution to the original source in your manuscript next to the reproduced/adapted figure or table. This must be done even if YOU created the original figure or table from which the new one has been adapted.