Monday , May 20 2024

A Horizontal Tuning Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms Using a Microservice-based Architecture

Simona-Vasilica OPREA1, Adela BÂRA1, Gabriela DOBRIȚA (ENE)1,2, Dragoș-Cătălin BARBU1,2*
1 Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics,
6 Piața Romană, Bucharest, 010374, Romania,
2 Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Doctoral School of Economic Informatics, 11 Tache Ionescu Street,
Bucharest, 010352, Romania, (*Corresponding author)

Abstract: Usually, data collected through surveys or by means of sensors is prone to errors and inaccuracies, such as missing data and outliers. Such datasets consist of numerical and string variables, with a high variety of values. Emerging issues, for instance, missing or categorical data lead to errors in running most of the machine learning algorithms. Data analysis and pre-processing are usually more substantial and time-consuming than the implementation of the machine algorithms. Nevertheless, the obtained results are significantly influenced by the way missing data or outliers are approached. This paper presents various methods for coping with null and extreme values. Furthermore, it highlights the significance of encoding and scaling the analysed data and their impact on the performance of the machine learning algorithms. Thus, this paper proposes a methodology for a Missing, Outliers, Encoding & Scaling (MOES) horizontal tuning framework using microservices as applications for data processing in order to obtain the best combination of the employed methods. For exemplification purposes, a real data set from the banking sector is used. Furthermore, the proposed methodology was tested using a second real data set from the utilities sector and the results also showed that both the AUC (Area under the Curve) and execution time were better than in the case of employing the PyCaret Python library.

Keywords: Microservices, Data pre-processing, Machine learning, Horizontal framework.


Simona-Vasilica OPREA, Adela BÂRA, Gabriela DOBRIȚA (ENE), Dragoș-Cătălin BARBU, A Horizontal Tuning Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms Using a Microservice-based Architecture, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 32(3), pp. 31-43, 2023.