Sunday , April 28 2024

User Awareness about Information Systems Usability

Ana-Maria SUDUC
Valahia University of Târgovişte
18-24, Unirii Ave., Târgovişte, Romania

Valahia University of Târgovişte
18-24, Unirii Ave., Târgovişte, Romania

Florin Gheorghe FILIP
Romanian Academy

Abstract: The user-interface represents one very important aspect in the use of the information systems. The usability and acceptability of an information system, to a great extend, depend on the user-interface quality. The computer technology advances have changed the role of the end-user. The end-user development has become the most commonly used form of programming. It includes customization, integration and extension activities which may lead to a significant alteration of the system and may raise serious issues concerning correctness and consistency, security, and privacy. This paper presents and discusses the results of a survey meant to identify the users’ awareness on the information systems usability, when users are viewed as developers.

Keywords: Human-machine interface, usability criteria, end-user development, risks.

Full text
Ana-Maria SUDUC, Mihai BÎZOI, Florin Gheorghe FILIP, User Awareness about Information Systems Usability, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 19 (2), pp. 145-152, 2010.

1. Introduction

The HCI research field has experienced a rapid growth over the years, from the simple command line interfaces to the latest technological proposals which include tangible, embedded, embodied, ubiquitous, pervasive, context-aware, perceptual, mobile, and handheld user interfaces [1] [2]. Users expect from developers to create advanced interactive interfaces which are easy to use and easy to learn [3]. Unfortunately these interfaces are difficult to design and implement. As user interfaces became easier to use, they became harder to create [4].

Many technological innovations rely on the user-interface to transform the technological complexity into a usable product. Only the technology itself may not gain the user acceptance. The user experience or how the user perceives the final product experience is the acceptance key.

The most challenging task in the user-interface design is not just to provide the required functionality, but also to “design for” specific attributes such as performance, security or maintainability, which contribute to the quality of software [5]. A bad user-interface can generate a series of negative consequences which widely range from increased completion of the task time, decreased productivity, lack of job satisfaction, inaccessibility for people with disabilities, to negative impact on people, data and environment. Actually, all these aspects represent risks in information systems (IS) usage. A special attention given to the user-interface design, in order to obtain “universal usability” [6], can significantly decrease these risks.


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