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Senior Citizen Service Management Using WebAging System

National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI, Bucharest
8-10 Averescu Avenue, Bucharest 1, Romania

Abstract: The paper presents the WebAging system, designed and developed to provide a single access point to Web services for elderly persons. The system uses semantic technology to organize services in communities. Each community is based on a domain having a collection of generic operations. Understanding the semantics of domains as well as their generic operations, by elderly people, is based on semantic attributes as synonyms, function, purpose etc.

Keywords: Semantic attributes, domains taxonomy, communities of services, services registration, customizing access to services, precedence trees.

Victor Popa has been a researcher within “National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics” since 1977. He has led many national research projects including WebAging project from national program PNCDII. He has collaborated with partners from France, Italy, and Spanish within European research projects as MECASP, WebBis etc. His research interests include: Web services modeling, Ontology, e-Government services etc.

Liliana Constantinescu, programmer of the National Institute for Research – Development in Informatics, ICI Bucharest, research project coordinator within the national programs for Research and Development: Relansin, CEEX, PNCDI II, Nucleu. Liliana Constantinescu is author/co-author of 30 articles and studies, published in Romania. Her research interests include the theoretical and practical aspects of nation-wide information systems, in particular, the development of web-services for elderly people.

Carmen Rotună, graduated from University of Bucharest with a B.Sc. majoring in Computer Science, in 2008. She is a second year Master’s student in “Databases and Web technologies” at the same university. Since 2008 she has been a programmer at “National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics” and she is working mainly as a C# developer, tester and documentation writer. Her research interests include: NET Framework, C#, databases, web technologies and, particularly, the development of Web services.

>>Full text
Victor POPA, Liliana CONSTANTINESCU, Carmen ROTUNĂ, Senior Citizen Service Management Using WebAging System, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 18 (4), pp. 363-368, 2009.