Saturday , April 27 2024

A Hybrid Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Florentina Alina TOADER
Petroleum Gas University of Ploiesti,
39 Bucuresti Blvd , Ploiesti, 100680, Romania

Abstract: The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is regarded as one of the most challenging issues by the research community in this field due to its complexity. This paper presents a hybrid algorithm called H-PSO-SA for JSSP which is a mixture of two computational artificial intelligence algorithms: Particle Swarm Optimization and Simulated Annealing. In order to demonstrate efficiency of the proposed hybrid algorithm, a series of tests are conducted using a set of classical JSSP benchmarks. The schedule results are compared with outcomes well known in the scientific literature.

Keywords: Production Scheduling, Job Shop Scheduling Problem, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization

>Full text
Florentina Alina TOADER, A Hybrid Algorithm for Job Shop Scheduling Problem, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 24 (2), pp. 171-180, 2015.

  1. Introduction

The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) represents one of the most difficult to solve problems in the industrial environment. This type of problem is categorized as NP-hard by Srinivas and Allada in 2004 [1]. Mesghouni et all mentioned in [2] that the complexity of this type of problem comes from the fact that consists of satisfying multiple goals. A set of resources needs to be allocated in a manner that satisfy the proposed goals, maximize the machine utilization and minimizes both the makespan and the total completion time of the entire process schedule.

The solution proposed most recently in the specific literature refers to the hybrid methods applied in this field that manages to combine the advantages of a local search technique (e.g. swarm intelligence which is based on collective intelligence models inspired by nature such as Ant Colony Optimization – ACO, Particle Swarm Optimization – PSO, Artificial Bee Colony –ABC, Wasp Behaviour Model – WBM, etc.) with the advantages of the global search techniques ( Simulated Annealing – SA, Tabu Search – TS, etc.).

This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm resulted by combining an artificial intelligence technique, Particle Swarm Optimization with a very popular metaheuristic, Simulated Annealing.

The goal of this research work is to identify an optimal solution for the JSSP by combining the strengths and minimizing the influence of each algorithm weak points.


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