Cookie Policy

This document offers information about the use of the website of the journal Studies in Informatics and Control – SIC. Information presented hereby is meant to give details about deployment, usage and management of cookies on the website of SIC.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file containing information downloaded into your device when you visit (for the first time) a website. This cookie is then sent back, every time you re-visit the site, to the website that generated it initially, or to any other website that can recognize it. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a device and offer a more efficient and customised experience.

What a cookie IS NOT?

Cookies are NOT viruses! They are plain text files. They do not contain code, therefore cannot be executed and cannot auto-run. Accordingly, they cannot duplicate or replicate themselves onto other networks in order to re-run and replicate themselves again.

What types of cookies we use?

The website of SIC uses both proprietary and third-party cookies.

There are several types of proprietary cookies used on the website of SIC: technical cookies, session cookies, persistent cookies and functional cookies.

  • Technical cookies are essential for the proper operation of the website. These cookies allow you to navigate among different sections of the website and to access specific functions.
  • Session cookies are temporary cookies that allow you to navigate the site simply and swiftly.
  • Persistent cookies or 'tracking cookies' last for several sessions and are stored by the browser even after you close the session (unless you delete them).
  • Functional cookies monitor the proper functioning of the website and allow it to memorize your choices. (i.e.: language, username or region). These cookies offer enhanced and customised functionalities, so that you do not have to set your options, again and again, every single time you visit the website.

Third-party cookies are cookie modules used on the website of SIC when you visit one of our websites and fall into the next categories:

  • Performance cookies (Google Analytics) collect anonymous and centralised information related to your interaction with our website (browser type, IP address, operation system, website's domain name and the time you have left the site, the date and the hour you visited the site etc.) for statistical reasons and in order to generate visitors' profiles.
  • Google Recaptcha Cookies: are used to verify whether the forms on our sites are filled in by a person or by an automated algorithm. In order to do this, reCAPTCHA analyses the user’s behaviour based on certain patterns. The analysis starts automatically when the user enters our site. ReCAPTCHA evaluates various data (ex: IP address, the time span of the visit etc). For more information please access Google Privacy & Terms.
  • The cookies we use do not collect data that can register your identity, therefore we can not identify you based on these cookies. The website of SIC may contain links to other websites. The journal Studies in Informatics and Control – SIC declines all responsibility related to the Confidentiality Policies those websites apply.

How do you express your consent?

When you visit the website of SIC for the first time, in the upper part of the screen you will see a banner with a message related to the cookie. If you click „Accept” or continue to visit the site, then you explicitly express your consent for the use of cookies as described in the present Policy, excepting the case you set your browser to reject cookies (see below).

How do you reject cookies?

You can withdraw your consent at any moment by deleting the cookies from the browser.

The settings for such a withdrawal can be found usually in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu. In order to better understand these settings, the following links might be useful (please check your browser's "Help" menu for more details):

Changing the settings in your browser in order to reject cookies may influence the way you access the website and it may restrict your access to certain sections of it. You can change your browser settings at any time.