Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2001


1. An Efficient Group Signature Scheme for Large Groups

Constantin Popescu

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2. The Simulation Of Doppler Frequency Estimation Process for Reflected Location Signals

Valentin Inceu

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3. Document Indexing Using Named Entities

Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan

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4. Decoding Algorithms for Erasure-Correcting Array Codes

Rodica Stoian, Dan Alexandru Stoichescu

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5. Fuzzy Control Applied to Economic Stabilization Policies

Vasile Georgescu

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6. 2D Object Recognition Using Its Contour Feature

Maged Mohamed Mahmoud Fahmy, Emad Yebya Rammadan

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7. BOOK REVIEW - Decision Support Systems: A Knowledge-based Approach

Florin-Gheorghe Filip

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