Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 11, No. 1, 2002

Developing A Theory of Design - A Tentative Approach Using Mathematics

David Chen, Guy Doumeingts

This paper presenls the basis of an approach which aims at formalising the process of designing and describing liow design is mathematically processed. The objective is to develop a scientific approach to explain design process and predict design resul1s by means of repeatable and verifiable means. It lcnlalivcly combines approaches of ideal and real design processes which were usually studied separately in some existing design theories [36]. 16I. The approach is based on the cxplicil rcpresenta1ions of arlefact. knowledge and process wilh lhe hypothesis that design is an itera1ivc process which manipulales the knowledge on existing ar1efac1s 10 crcalc (specify) new ancfacl sa1isf)·ing a list of requirements. Three non-ordered fundamental design transformations arc defined and then formalised using set lheory notations. A design example is presented 10 illuslratc lhe approach. Some preliminary guidelines to design manufac1uring systems arc discussed as well. I.imitation and future works are presented as part of conclusions.


Design theory General Design Theory. Design Model. Design Methodology.

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