Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 11, No. 2, 2002

A methodological approach to task-based design of user interfaces

Costin Pribeanu, Jean Vanderdonckt

Task-based design of user interfaces aims at supporting the design of usable interfaces by focusing on user's goals and task performance. In this approach. the task model is given the leader role among other models that constrain the design. The objective of this paper is to take a closer look at the relation between task modelling and user interface design in order to derive useful mappings between the task model and the interface model. In order to do this we need to distinguish between two levels in task modelling: a functional device independent layer as resulting from early task analysis and an operational, device-dependent layer as resulted from task csign. This layered structure of the task model is exploited for grouping interaction objects in the user imerface and for designing dialog units.


task analysis, user interface design, task-based design

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