Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 12, No. 2, 2003

Flexibility and Agility For Enterprise Synchronization: Knowledge and Innovation Management Towards Flexagility

Subhash Wadhwa, K.S.Rao

This paper examines two important concepts of the modern business environment, viz., flexibility and agility, with a view to seek the essence of the concepts and to understand their similarities and differences at a conceptual level. We examined various perceptions, notions and definitions of flexibility and agility found in the manufacturing and supply chain literature, and compared the stated objectives, articulated needs and fundamental beliefs underlying the concepts, from a decision-information­ synchronization perspective. Based on this, we attempted to relate flexibility and agility with a view to highlight certain commonalities and differences and also suggested a possible vision for future evolution these two important concepts. Using demo models of a supply chain and manufacturing system operating under a decision-information-synchronization environment, the key results are discussed. Judieious use of flexibility and effective decision system are suggested towards improving the agility (specifically the lead time performance) of the supply chains. A novel approach of flexagility is proposed for modern enterprises that are seeking IT facilitated long term competitiveness. The need to innovate synergy with flexibility and agility is highlighted. Based on this a vision of flexagility towards mass customization and beyond is presented.


Flexibility, Agility, Decision-Information-Synchronization, Flexagility. Synergy

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