Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004


1. A Novel Cryptosystem for Binary Images

A. Martin del Rey

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2. A Simulation Algorithm for Preemptive Multi-Server Queuing System Simulation with a Variable Number of Parallel Working Stations

Ion Florea

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3. Windows Application for Intelligent Mobile Robot Control

Monica Dragoicea, Nicolae Constantin

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4. On the Complexity of Minos Package for Linear Programming1

Neculai Andrei

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5. The Best from Ants and Humans: Synergy in Agent-Based Systems

Boldur E. Barbat, Constantin B. Zamfirescu, Sorin C. Negulescu

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6. Understanding and Predicting Indirect Branch Behavior

Adrian Florea, Lucian N. Vinfan, loan Z. Mihu

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