Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004

A Simulation Algorithm for Preemptive Multi-Server Queuing System Simulation with a Variable Number of Parallel Working Stations

Ion Florea

For the preemptive queuing sy tem there are mathematical formulae only in a few cases, for some disllibutions of the input flow and the ou iut flow and for a constant number of parallel wo,king stations. Since for a variable number of parallel stations, there is no an.1lytic fo1mula, then an algorithmic approach is very important in their study. Also, this queuing system class cannot be simulated using an available discrete-event simulation package. This paper proposes a simulation algorithm for a va1iable number of parallel stations preemptive queuing system. Also, based on estimating the m1ximum number of comparisons, the polynomial complexity of the presented algo,ithm is proved. I conclude tlus paper by compa1ing the simulation results, in the case of variable number, with the results of the simulator for tl1e constant number of parallel wo,king stations, with the same serving discipline.


Preemptive queuing system, Simulation, Algorithm complexity, Variable number of servers.

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