Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 13, No. 2, 2004

Detection of Intrusion Using Neural Networks: A Customized Study

Walid A. Salameh

Over the last years, computer and software industry has rapidly evolved changing the face of many aspects of the world, but the information system protection did not keep up with the vast change. As a result, information protection is gaining a lot of importance these days. Several physical and logical protection methods are used to protect the Computer systems. Among the physical method is the physical placement of devices, network separation. But due to the international trend in e-Commerce application, network separation is no longer used in protecting the networks. New systems depends on logical security that uses Firewall "Hardware, software", Log auditing. Intrusion detection systems are one of the major corners in logical system security development. These systems aim to monitor and discover attempts for system security penetration and reporting these attempts to the systems administrator. Developing intrusion detection systems was mainly concentrated on the expert system development field. This paper will discuss the possible implementation of neural networks in intrusion detection systems development.


Intrusion Systems, Neural Networks, Expert Systems.

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