Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005

A Framework for Student Knowledge Evaluation in Internet Environments

Florin Bota

The paper presents some considerations on knowledge evaluation in e-learning environments. The first part contains a general presentation of the necessity of automated knowledge evaluation in e-learning systems, different evaluation methods that can be used for implementation as well as advantages and drawbacks for the students and professors in using such a system. The second part presents a possible implementation, describing different original exercise types and presenting two possible implementations: self-evaluation client-side library and as a web application. The implemented exercise types are: true/false exercises, multiple choice – with multiple or single correct answers -, ordering exercises, fill-in with suggestions, fill-in with alternative correct solutions, association exercises. The client-side library has been completely implemented and is currently used for implementing different multimedia CD-ROMs with university courses. The second implementation is under development.


E-learning, knowledge evaluation, student evaluation.

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