Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005

European Qualification Strategies in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - Towards a European (reference) ICT Skills and Qualification Framework

Willi Petersen, Carsten Wehmeyer

Innovative ICT developments are changing society to an ‘information society’ and new opportunities and challenges in all areas of work and life have arisen. In particular, this applies to ICT research, business and work itself. Highly skilled ICT practitioners are needed to manage business and work processes in both the core ICT sector and in industries using ICT. To understand, produce and use the new information and communications technology there is a widespread need to possess a range of ICT competences. One of the major challenges for any types of (formal and informal) skills and qualification development arrangements is to adequately guaranty the supply of ICT practitioners. This, in turn, makes demands on the various provisions of higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET) as well as requiring tailored offers for continuing vocational education and training (CVT) and lifelong learning (LLL).


Information Society, ICT Practitioner Demand and Supply, European ICT Skills and Qualification Framework, ICT Training and Curriculum Development Guidelines.

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