The idea of carrying voice traffic on IP networks has been found to be very lucrative. However to achieve a quality like the one offered by the existing telephone networks, the IP network should be in a position to honour the stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of voice traffic. If traffic more than what the network can handle is admitted into the network, QoS may be violated resulting in performance degradation. One way of providing sustained and consistent QoS is by regulating the number of voice calls that are admitted into the network such that the load on the network is less than or equal to the capacity of the network. This mechanism is called call admission control. This paper outlines the design and simulation of a scalable and distributed call admission control algorithm that operates at the network edge and factors in the local passive measurements in the admission decision. Performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm through ns2 simulations reveals that it regulates the number of calls in the system around the maximum admissible limit thereby delivering on the QoS guarantees demanded by voice applications. Moreover, it is simple and lightweight from an implementation perspective.
Voice over IP, Admission control, over-subscripted network services.