Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007

Book Review - Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm – 9th Edition

Florin Gheorghe Filip

The authors start from the premise that, nowadays, “Information systems knowledge is essential for creating successful, competitive firms, managing global corporations, adding business value and providing useful products and service to customers”
In the book the management information systems (MIS) is defined at large as “the study of [computer based] information systems in business and management” (p.44). Besides, the authors adopt a broader view of information systems (IS) “which encompasses an understanding of the management and organizational dimensions as well as technical dimensions of the systems as information systems literacy” (p.20). Consequently, this book can be viewed as an effort made by the Laudons with a view to contributing to building up and consolidating such an information system literacy for current and future managers, which are to be confronted with several “major challenges concerning: a) “information system investments”, b) “strategic business”,, c)”globalization”, d) “information infrastructure”, and e) “ethics and security”.

by Keneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon


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