Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 2, No. 4, 1993

The Strategic Planning of the Informatization in Romania. Some General Technical and Managerial Considerations

Nicolae Costake

Romania is one of the few countries which decided to elaborate a strategic planning of the informatization. After the approval, in 1992, by a Governmental Steering Committee of the final report of the strategic planning of the informatization in Romania [PDlR,1992], a White Book [cartea,1992] for the general public was printed. The problems of the basic permanent registers were further discussed in a feasibility study [RPC,1992). The approach and the main options are presented. The main conceptual and managerial problems are discussed. A number of general conclusions are proposed.The relevance to other countries in a socio-economic transition process is presumed.


Strategic planning, information technology, information system, invariants, compatibility, coherence, administrative information systems, standardization.

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