Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 21, No. 3, 2012

A Computer-based Decision Support System Used in Identifying Relationship between Oral Symptoms and Systemic Diseases

Dana V. Ghiga, Marius D. Petrişor, Anca Bacârea, Vladimir C. Bacârea, Marius Ş. Măruşteri, Bogdan A. Haifa, Dan Ş. Sîmpăle, Alexandru Şchiopu

The aim of this study is to present a dental patient management software application module that offers the possibility to record the oral symptoms of systemic diseases and presents a presumptive diagnosis. We implemented a web application for patients’ management in the dental office which includes such a module that besides presenting a presumptive diagnosis also provides detailed information regarding the disease and the recommended laboratory investigations. The implemented software application allows the selection of the oral lesions revealed during intraoral examination and once the oral lesion has been selectedthe application displays the list of the systemic diseases which presents the selected oral lesion as an oral symptom. After displaying the probable systemic diseases, the user can learn more information about a particular disease by clicking on its label. An innovative aspect of the proposed application is the existence of the module that allows the presumptive diagnosis of a systemic disease by selecting the oral lesions found during intraoral examination. Also the software application offers information regarding the selected systemic disease etiology, oral signs and symptoms and the laboratory investigations required for the final diagnosis.


oral manifestations, disease, computer-assisted diagnosis

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