This paper describes a scheduling strategy for a real time distributed system based on modifying the transmission frequency of nodes in a communication network. Scheduling is critical as it impacts the system performance due to limited computing resources. This work presents a linear time invariant model based on the frequency transition of nodes in distributed system. In this model a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller is designed to schedule the transmission frequency of nodes. The controller assigns the transmission frequency into a region with minimum and maximum bounds intended to satisfy the network’s utility. A 2DOF helicopter simulation shows the effectiveness of this scheduling strategy.
Distributed Systems, Real-Time, Control, Frequency transmission.
Oscar ESQUIVEL-FLORES, Héctor BENÍTEZ-PÉREZ, Paul MÉNDEZ-MONRROY, "Scheduling Strategy Using Frequency Transition for a Helicopter Simulation as a Network Control System Approximation", Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 21(4), pp. 393-402, 2012.