Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 22, No. 4, 2013

ICT Challenges and Issues in Climate Change Education

Adriana ALEXANDRU, Marilena IANCULESCU, Eleonora TUDORA, Ovidiu BICA

Climate change is likely to define the global concern of the 21st century. This concern is a huge educational challenge which relates to the global aim of the educational network founded by Changing with the Climate project that is discussing, learning, engaging and committing students from secondary as well as primary schools to undertake actions for limiting the change in climate. As specific aspects and impacts of climate change are discussed in various academic disciplines such as: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and Citizenship, the primary objective is to adopt a more holistic approach and link the teaching of all these issues from multidisciplinary perspectives. Thus, science may become more interesting and applicable to everyday life. This paper analyses the ICT challenges emerging from this type of approach.


climate change, renewable energy sources, Education for Sustainable Development, Life Long Learning, eLearning, role of ICT in education.

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