Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 25, No. 2, 2016

Decision Support System for Roof Installation

Daiva MAKUTĖNIENĖ, Olga Regina ŠOSTAK, Augustinas MACEIKA

The authors of the article carried out a feasibility study of the complex decision support system (DSS) which is designed for a successful roof installation. Analysis was made to examine the created database (DB) of the roof design variants. Delphi technique was used to determine the main parameters and sub-parameters for possible roofing projects variants evaluation and to assess importance and weight of the parameters. After assessment of the complex DSSs creation methodology, parameters used in the system, indicators and the practical aspects of the application, it was planned to create the prototype of the system. For this purpose DSSs of a variety of application fields and their development processes were researched. Based on the research results, the authors proposed the complex DSS model, which enables customers to explore different roof installation projects and inform them about the benefits and costs of the projects being assessed.


Decision support system, decision making, roof installation, case study, Delphi method.

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