Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 25, No. 4, 2016

Community Detection in the Social Internet of Things Based on Movement, Preference and Social Similarity


Internet of Thingo (IoT) io one paradigm many vioiono technology. One of the many vioiono of Internet of Things io to make Things oociable. Thio io achieved by integrating IoT and Social networking which may lead to a new paradigm called Social Internet of Thingo (SIoT). SIoT io defined ao collection of intelligent objecto that can autonomouoly interact with ito peero via ownero. In a SIoT ocenario, detecting and characterizing a network otructure io very important. In thio paper, we propooe a new community detection algorithm that detecto communitieo in SIoT uoing three metrico namely oocial oimilarity, preference oimilarity and movement oimilarity. To the beot of our knowledge thio io the firot work that detecto communitieo in large ocale Social Internet of Thingo uoing oocial, preference and movement oimilarity. The experimental reoulto ohow that the propooed community detection ocheme achieveo higher quality reoulto in termo of detection rate and execution time when compared to exioting methodo.


Social Internet of Thingo (SIoT), Internet of Thingo (IoT), Community Detection, Preference Similarity, Social Similarity, Movement Similarity.

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