Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 27, No. 1, 2018

Analysis of MSEs in ICT Domain from Bucharest - Ilfov County by Using Nonaka - Takeuchi Model

Doina I. POPESCU, Adriana ALEXANDRU, Sebastian - Ion CEPTUREANU, Eduard - Gabriel CEPTUREANU

This paper investigates the extent to which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adoption and orientations influence the knowledge creation processes encompassed in the Nonaka - Takeuchi model in Romanian mediumsized enterprises (MSEs) from ICT sector. We use econometric analysis in order to confirm hypothesis regarding correlation between Nonaka-Takeuchi model variables and organizational learning. The results, based on a sample of 73 Romanian medium-sized enterprises (MSEs) from Bucharest- Ilfov County, indicate that ICT has a significant positive influence on knowledge creation processes.


Knowledge creation, Nonaka - Takeuchi model, ICT, Organizational learning.

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