Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 28, No. 1, 2019

The Impact of Psychological Factors on Employees in the IT&C Environment

Andrei NICULESCU, Olivia Doina NEGOITA, Mirona Ana-Maria POPESCU, Anca Alexandra PURCĂREA

The IT industry is constantly growing and it is the main contributing factor to the transformation and efficiency of the economy and society. The demand for services and software has led to the emergence of many companies, which are often hard to distinguish from one another and furthermore can hardly maintain their position on the market. The key element that contributes to the development of programs and their quality is represented by the human resources of IT&C. Retaining competent employees in this field is a real challenge, because the competition among the numerous companies is very tough. In order to gain projects, the IT&C employees should have a proper package of knowledge and experience. Thus, this article analyses several psychological factors affecting IT&C professionals. By using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) the paper determines the correlation matrix that provides different IT&C work-related data ranked in order of importance. Also, some relationships between variables (level of study, time spent in this field and in the respective company) and certain psychological factors (temper, psychological type, professional behavior) are briefly examined.


Human resouces, Psychological factors, IT field, IT&C employees, IT&C organizations.

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