Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 3, No. 1, 1994

BOOK REVIEW - UNIX Internetworking

Rodica Ciocea

The place of Unix environment in the computer world of today takes the space of the preface, with the author's explicit attraction to such a subject ("...despite the fact that the UNIX command interface is cryptic and system configuration is no easytask...". "UNIX is slowly but surely asserting itself as the operating system for commercial organizations" because it "supports features that are hard to find in any other operating system, past or present" and because "TCP/IP is increasingly being accepted as the common thread to interconnect heterogeneous computer systems and X as the common denominator for graphical user interfaces"). The book's scope is "to take you through the critical elements of the UNIX operating system and describe how they relate to the network, so that no only can we connect UNIX systems to the network but also understand how to communicate between Novel VAX/VMS, X, Macintosh and DOS systems and UNIX hosts".

by Uday O. Pabrai


Network, UNIX, TCP/IP Network

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