Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 3, No. 2-3, 1994

Achieving Diagonar Dominance for Robot Control

Gerardo Fernandez, Juan Carlos Grieco, Manuel Armada

In recent years techniques for Multivariable Systems have been developed rapidly and industrial applications have been shown since the 70's and later, but the application of those techniques to robot control has not had a great impact. Only a few previous works have attacked the problem of control manipulators using Multivariable Frequency Domain techniques [1,2]. The multivariable nature of the robot and the use of frequency techniques, well­-known by plant engineers, suggest design approaches using such techniques for controllers. The aim of this work is to reduce complexity in the plant by attempting to reduce the coupling between the joints of the robot and, in this way, to analyse each link like a SISO system. The application of analysis tools such as Gershgorin's circles and Inverse Nyquist Array to multivariable systems and manipulators has been succesfully tested and suggests that these techniques be explored for other robot configurations.


Multivariable Systems, Robotics. Inverse Nyquist Arrays, Pseudo-diagonalization.

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