This paper describes a topic of an on-going bilateral research cooperation between UNINOVA and USP in the context of the ECLA FlexSys project and presents a plan of future actions. The topic is a supervision system design for an integrated federation of heterogeneous and distributed CIM software modules towards a platform for Concurrent Engineering. The work plan makes for combining the UNINOVA/UNL research in Systems Integration and the extended Petri nets PFS/MFG dynamic modeling approach of USP. The Editor/ Simulator of MFG graphs developed by UNINOVA, used in the supervision of an integrated software architecture for CIM is being extended to fit PFS/MFG specifications and be connected to an analytical module. The analytical module under development at USP is intended to upgrade the supervision system with structural and behavioral analysis functionalities. The setting up of a concurrent platform needs some support to coordinate the activity sequence.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Information Modelling, Information Systems
Luis Antonio Freixo Guedes Osorio, Luis Camarinha-Matos, Paulo Eigi Miyagi, Jose Reinaldo da Silva, "Design of a Supervision System for Integrated Software Architectures in CIM = A Framework for Concurrent Engineering=", Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 3(2-3), pp. 201-207, 1994.