Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 3, No. 4, 1994

BOOK REVIEW - Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems

Luminita Todor

Working Conference of the IFIP WG 10.3, April 25-29, 1994.
On editing the Proceedings, Dr. KM.Decker and Dr. R.M.Rehmann from the Swiss Scientific Computing Center Zurich, Switzerland, pledged to giving the most profitable topical arrangement of the 42 papers presented at IFIP WG 10.3, and succeeded in putting into bold relief the state-of­ the-art in massively parallel systems. The strategic importance of Massively Parallel Systems for the advancement of high performant computing is well-recognised in the national and international information technology programs in Europe, USA and Japan. The programming of massively parallel systems is a complex task, and so, alleviating this software problem is sometimes referred to as the big challenge of the 1990's.

edited by Karsten M. Decker and Rene M. Rehmann


Massively Parallel Distributed Systems, Parallel Programming Systems

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