This paper presents the implementation of an integrated information system whose purpose is to ensure the management of activities within an organization. Such systems are successfully used in organizations, ensuring the automation of the organizational flow and the efficient and effective management of organizational resources. The architecture of such systems is offered for exploitation by recognized companies, under license. Specific to this system is the approach using open-source software tools, as well as the modularization of the application, which allows the independence of its installation from the existing platforms of the beneficiary. The obtained prototype is the result of a research project, carried out over a period of three years, with direct applicability to the beneficiary and the extension, subsequently, to other organizations. The beneficiaries of the system are public entities, which is why the design, development and implementation require specific conditions determined by the legislative and administrative constraints of the functioning framework of the governmental institutions.
Interoperability, Middleware platform, Infrastructure services, Operational security.
Adriana-Meda UDROIU, Ionut SANDU, Mihail DUMITRACHE, "Integrated Information System for the Management of Activities in the Organization", Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 31(2), pp. 25-35, 2022.