Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 4, No. 3, 1995

BOOK REVIEW - Intelligent Networks

Dana Trifanescu

The concept of "intelligent networks" (IN) discusses a new approach to the development of improved services in worldwide telecommunication networks. It was in the 80ies when technological advances among which SPC (stored program control) exchanges, digital transmissions, complex signalling systems were the most important, concurred in creating this concept. The concept was produced by ETSI (European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute) and ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union). In 1993 the ITU-T Q.120x recommendation series included the model description. On implementing it, we are faced, as the author says, with "more a new way of thinking or of structuring than a new network".

by Jan Thorner


Intelligent Networks

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