Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 4, No. 3, 1995

Robotic Tools and Experiences in Manufacturing Systems

Eduardo Vendrell, Martin Mellado

The goal of this contribution is to present the main research lines concerning CIM Systems in the group of Robotic Systems & Robot Programming of the Department of System Engineering Computers and Control (DISCA), at the Polytechnical University of Valencia (UPV). Our institution has been working for some years on developing and applying several techniques in order to solve common and concrete problems related with CIM environments. These research works are dedicated to five main areas: 1) Robot Control, 2) Auto Guided Vehicles (AGV) & Automatic Transport, 3) Path Planning, 4) Sensing & Artificial Vision and 5) Robotic Systems & Robot Programming wlich is the scope of this paper. Within this area, our Depanmat has been involved in several projects, allowing to improve our know-how about this field by applying techniques that solve robot control problems in robot systems, path planning and control for automated transports, in particular for AGVs; integreate artificial vision systems into CIM environments or model, program and simulate robotic systems. Robotic Systems & Robot Programming group has a special interest in CIM systems. Given this interest, several tools have been developed in both educational and research fields. The aim of this paper is to explain these results.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Robotic tools

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