Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 4, No. 4, 1995

BOOK REVIEW - Computation and Control IV

Vasile Sima

Considerable effort has been invested in recent years in developing rigorous numerical meth­ods and cornputational tools for control systems analysis and design. Computational problems in control theory are complex ones. Fortunately, these problems often present special structures which, if exploited, can produce both theoreti­cal and computational results. Moreover, prob­lems that arise from applications are best ad­dressed by interdisciplinary teams, where ex­perts in various disciplines work together and create numerical algorithms for control design. Such communication often produces new research problems in specific disciplines. The Fourth Bozeman Conference brought together leading experts in control theory, numerical mathematics and various application areas, to discuss recent developments in interdisciplinary approaches to computational control.

edited by K. L. Bowers, and J. Lund


Computation, Control

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