Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 5, No. 2, 1996

GUEST EDITORIAL - Balanced Automation Systems

Luis Manuel Camarinha-Matos

The concept of Balanced Automation represents a new manufacturing paradigm which captures the idea of appropriate level of automation when considering the current challenges to flexibility, quality improvement and productivity, but taking into account the socio-economic context as well as the local traditions and skills. In the recent past most international research efforts in computer integrated manufacturing have been too much concentrated on the technical aspects of automation, i.e. follow a technocentric approach. As a reaction, but with lesser impact, the concept of Anthropocentric Manufacturing focuses the human-centered aspects. Both approaches, per se, are limited. A Balanced Automation System (BAS) aims the combination with adequate weights of, not only these two approaches, but considering also the economic aspects, the integration / migration of legacy systems and the full heritage of the enterprise, namely in terms of established know how and traditional skills.

the first IEEE/ECLA/IFIP International Conference on Balanced Automation Systems (BASYS'95), held in Vitória, Brazil, in July 1995.


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