In many acceptances (researchers', political men's, entrepreneurs') Global Information Society (GIS) is characterised by an important cultural dimension. This cultural dimension is the new element which makes the distinction between the information society and the industrial society, and is meant to serve the citizen (by spiritually "enriching" him) and the enterprise (by simultaneously enabling its entering competition and co-operation within a globalised economy) as well as human communities in various countries and regions (of which interdependence at various levels gets larger). One main component of Romania's strategy on joining the European Union , and broadly speaking, the civilised world, is given by the "Multilinguage" Program. The European Union and the most developed countries are themselves with no fatigue and quickly making out for the Global Information Society. A push-up is given by technological advances , by large public awareness, and not last, by the Government's actions for moulding and matching progress.
IT Applications, Global Information Society (GIS), Digital libraries, Multimedia access, Virtual Cultural System