In a first part this work presents a hierarchical and modular architecture for real-time control and monitoring of Discrete Events Systems like Flexible Manufacturing Systems (F.M.S.). The first characteristic of this architecture is based on a splitting up procedure to buiId a hierarchical structure allowing to manage the complexity of the process. The second characteristic concerns the organisation of this structure to drive the process. On the one hand, the control system, the monitoring system and the model exhibiting the process capabilities are distributed in each node of this hierarchical structure. So each of these nodes is a "control and monitoring module". On the other hand, a further process model more complete than the one included in each control and monitoring module is put near the hierarchical structure. The last contribution of this work introduces an inter level communication mechanism suitable for real-time control and monitoring requirements. Adding a supervisor distributed in each control and monitoring module allows to manage the complex data flow taking part in the inter levels communication. In a second part, an example is considered to illustrate different aspects of the approach previously described.
discrete events systems, control, monitoring functions, process model, communication mechanism, operating modes.