Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 6, No. 1, 1997

Performance Improvement Of A Mobile Robot Navigation System Through Ultrasonic Sensor Agents


The availabtlity of sensorial data is a major desideratum for mobile robot navigation systems. For a mobile robot under construction at LAI/UFES, a behavior­ based control system is being unplemented, for which an agent-based ultrasonic system was developed. This sensing system is able to provide information on the type of detected obstacle as well as on the distance from it to the robot. By using the agents model, it was possible to design a ultrasonic sensing system with the capability of avoiding the generation of redundant or unnecessary infomation, as well as to decide whether information is relevant or not.


Mobile Robots; Sensors; Ultrasonic Transducers; Behavior; Agents.

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