This paper provides an overview of the recent advances in knowledge acquisition (KA) methods and automated tools. First, some general issues of KA (characteritics, critical factors, basic phases, effectiveness) are discussed. Then, the class of psychological KA methods is considered (interview, observation, multidimensional and protocol analys methods). Next, a number of impotant more recent developments in KA are addressed, namely KA via concept learning, KA via critical decision, KA for analytical representation and KA via the activity matrix. Then, a set of methods that regard the KA as modeling is reviewed and the problem of KA under uncertainty is innvestigated. Finally, a number of important automated KA tools developed over the years is briefly discussed, namely the tools TEIRESIAS, ETS, MORE, MORE, SALT, KNACK, KADS, KEATS, KRITON, TDE, PROTEGE, DOTS and SIS.
Knowledge acquisition, automated knowledge acquisition tools, psychological knowledge acquisition methods, concept learning method, critical decision method, analytical representation method, activity matrix method, knowledge acquisition as modeling.