Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 6, No. 3, 1997

Requirement Analysis for Client Server System Configuration Design System Based On Case Base

Ayako Hiramatsu, Yoshitomo lkkai, Hiroshi Morihisa, Takenao Ohkawa, Norihisa Komoda

Client server system(CSS) contiguration design consists of th following three phases: requirement analysis, configuration plan design and configuration plan analysis.The necessary functions of a desired CSS configuration design support system can be formalized by analyzing each of the phases. We have proposed a CSS configuration design supportsystem (CIDAC: Case based Integrated Design Assist system for CSS), which is based on the above. The support system consists of the following four processes: requirement analysis, design planning, design analysis-explanation, and learning. In requirement analysis, input ambiguous requirements are transformed into concrete requirements which are forwarded to the design generation function. One type of concrete requirement data is a set of function trees. This tree represents a business system structure and helps SE choose a framework for the target computer system. This paper also presents a method that can generate function trees using several already generated function trees. In this method, suitable pans that are selected by the SE from other cases are automatically merged in order to complete the set of target function trees.


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