Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 7, No. 4, 1998

BOOK REVIEW - NETIZENS: On the History and Impact Of Usenet and the Internet

Boldur Barbat

The book aims at presenting the development and significance of the participatory global computer network evolving into "an ambitious look at the social aspects of computer networking. It examines the present and the turbulent future. and especially it explores the technical and social roots of the 'Net"'. The readership aimed at. is comprised not only of those who are already Netizens but - maybe notably - of those who strive towards getting this status. within the perspective of passing from the latter condition to the former. So, before moving forward, let us see where such a gratifying title comes from - according to Michael Hauben: "My research demonstrated that there were people active as members of the network, which the words net citizen do not precisely represent. The word citizen suggests a geographic or national definition of social membership. The word Netizen reflects the non­ geographically based social membership. So I contracted net.citizen to Netizen." Anyhow, the book makes it evident that the word - as well as its denotation and ramifications - are here to stay.

Michael Hauben and Ronda Hauben


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