Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999

BOOK REVIEW - WHAT WILL BE? or After Reading A Visionary Book

Florin-Gheorghe Filip

Many people today are lured to and fascinated with the idea of a "Computerised Society" (or "Information Society". or "Cyberspace" or Information Infrastructure/ Hghway") IT industrial developers feel that the high time has come for amplyfing their sales. Academic people, in their turn, find that their dreams have come true and that scientific results are at hand, or that they may approach new investigation domains. Politicians get fond of a new syntagm which their speeches will not forget to include and their practical actions will sometimes resort to. Young people dive abruptly into an apparently boundless world, promising of (at least virtual) high mobility and opportunities for acquiring new and pleasing skills and even for entering well-paid jobs. The remaining of the people will be either connaisscurs, able to face the situation and take advantage of it, or "have nots" (those who lack the proper knowledge) and will nots" (those who, one way or another, oppose the idea of a computerised society).

Michael Dertouzos


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