Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 1, 1999

PPCsm2e - Production Planning and Control System for Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises

Gabriel Neagu, Constanta Manoliu, Octavian Constantinescu

There is a large consensus in considering small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as being the industrial entities best adapted to current trends and requirements in the glohal economy. Therefore one of the major challenges of today information technology and communication field is to support continuous enforcement of SMEs competitive potential. The COPERNICUS '94 project RaPOrt (#1191, led by Archimedia, Ltd., Greece) aimed at providing a set of tools and a methodology to support the implementation of the production planning and control (PPC) software for industrial SMEs with particular emphasis on the needs imposed by Central and East European SME structural characteristics.


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