Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 3, 1999

Theme-oriented and Event-driven Reasoning in A Structured Modeling Process

Alexandra Galatescu

The paper proposes a generalization and structuring of the modeling logic for complex information systems. It approaches the modeling process from two viewpoints: I) its structuring features like modularity, encapsulation, connectivity, and 2) its interactive control, that ensures the modeling consistency and completeness. Interactive control mainly relies on the semantics (and, implicitly, logic) of the (visual) control statements and on the principles of a theme-oriented and event-driven reasoning which, applied to the structured modeling process, facilitates its automatic prediction and control. The paper presents: I) the basic concepts of a structured modeling process, 2) the basis of a theoretical support for checking the modeling consistency and completeness, 3) how the modelling events impact on the external and internal dynamics of the modeling process and 4) the inferential steps in the theme-oriented prediction during the modeling process.


Conceptual Modeling, Structuring and Control of a Modeling Process, Prediction in a Modeling Process, Modeling Consistency, Conceptual Graphs, Activity-centred Graphs.

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