Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 4, 1999


1. Fuzzy Expert System for Large Complex Environmental Problem- solving

Florin S. Stanciulescu

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2. Fuzzy Sets Applied to Life's Quality Study

Marcel Stoica, Daniela Hancu, Dan Oprea

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3. Towards User-centred and Cost-effective Development Of Environmental Decision Support Systems

Ion Leon Batachia

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4. Applications Of Abduction in Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Scheduling

Ofelia Vasilescu

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5. Causal Knowledge and the Logic Of Dynamics in the Development Of Autonomous Intelligent Agents

Bogdan Enciu

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6. Outlines Of A Non-classical Logic for the Approach Of Fuzziness

Alexandru Giuculescu

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7. Resolution and Consistency in Dialogical Reasoning

Mircea Oancea

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8. On Fractal Compression

Bogdan Nedelcu

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9. The Surprise-Test Paradox: A Formal Study

Vlad Vieru, Vlad Enache

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10. On Many-valued Equivalence and Distance Functions

Mircea Sularia

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11. Approximate Reasoning

Paul Flondor

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12. SCIENTIFIC EVENTS - European Control Conference - ECC' 99

Florin Stănciulescu

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13. SCIENTIFIC EVENTS - ''Computer Based Experiments, Learning and Teaching" International Conference COMBELET'99

Alexandru Serbanescu

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14. BOOK REVIEW - CyberLaw- The Law of the Internet

Victor-Valeriu Patriciu

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15. Dynamical Systems, Control, Coding, Computer Vision New Trends, Interfaces and Interplay

Diana Maria Sima

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