Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 8, No. 4, 1999

Towards User-centred and Cost-effective Development Of Environmental Decision Support Systems

Ion Leon Batachia

Environmental problems are complex and multi­-disciplinary in nature. While the necessity of EDSSs - dedicated to support decision-making in environmental planning and management, is largely argued, it is also recognized that EDSSs, in general, are complex applications possible integrating different advanced technologies and requiring high research and development efforts. In the paper a framework for devdoping EDSS applications based on the results of the TRACE project (a research and development project funded by European Union) is briefly described. The framework represents a cost-effective alternative in developing EDSS applications also providing tools and guidelines for user-centred design. The TRACE approach in developing a specific EDSS supporting the user in post-windthrow management in Romanian forests is illustrated in the second part of the paper.


Decision Support Systems, Environmental Decision Support Systems, User-Centred Design. Task Analysis, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Resource Allocation. Post-Windthrow Management.

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