Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 10, No. 1, 2001

Fuzzy Control Applied to Economic Stabilization Policies

Vasile Georgescu

Applying fuzzy control for stabilizing eoonomic processes is a promising area. On the one hand, fuzzy control could provide a method to implement stabilization trategies in a user-friendly way, by means of a linguistically expressed algorithm. On the other hand, it is more appropriate to deal with nonlinear processes, due to the capability of prescribing nonlinear actions and tuning nonlinear controller parameters. Our main goal is to illustrate how some classical stabilization models can be adapted in order to incorporate fuzzy modes of control. First, we briefly describe certain fundamental concepts of fuzzy control. Afterwards, the focus will be the design of fuzzy linear controllers that emulate conventional modes of control. A procedure for making the linear fuzzy controler gradually nonlinear and for fine-tuning is completes the design . As an application of fuzzy control to economic processes, a fuzzy extension of Phillips' stabilization model is provided in two variants: for a closed economy as well as for an open economy. Matlab is used to implement the Mamdani-like inference systems and a simulation of the control schemata via Simulink takes place.


Economic Stabilization Policies. Emulating Conventional Modes of Control by Fuzzy Controllers, Fine-tuning Nonlinear Fuzzy Controllers.

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