Past Issues

Studies in Informatics and Control
Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007

Multimodel: The Construction of Model Bases

Moufida Ksouri Lahmari, Pierre Borne, Mohamed Benrejeb

In this article is presented, a new approach for the construction of model bases of a complex system. This approach allows to envisage on U1e one hand the decomposition of a system in several interconnected subsystems, and on the other hand the interconnection of model bases. One can so associate optimized model bases dedicated each one to a particular component (engine, wagon, pendulum, ... ) and generate afterward the adequate model bases of a process fonned by thesecomponents interconnected together. This approach appears very easy to implement when the considered components are linear and when one of the associated model bases is reduced to a single model. Besides, some complex process can be described by interconnected subsets easy to represent by linear models or model bases.


Multimodel: Model bases; Control of complex systems; Non linear systems; interconnected systems

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